Monday, June 11, 2007

Tentative Itinerary for August Walkabout

It's becoming a summer tradition! But how can it not, when the High Sierra is so easily one of the most exquisite places on earth and I only have one shot all year to really see them? Since Jamie and I can't coordinate schedules and have to table JMT until next summer (a fitting graduation present to my self, yes?). On the advice of a few people I met on the trail last summer, and on my own desire to spend more time exploring spots from last year that I had to pass thru all too quickly, here goes. Starting from Lodgepole in Sequoia, 10-11 days, more or less.

Day 1: Lodgepole TH to Ranger Lake
Day 2: Ranger Lake up to Roaring River
Day 3: Roaring River down to Upper Ranger Meadow

Day 4: Upper Ranger Meadow over Elizabeth Pass to Tamarack Lake
Day 5: Tamarack Lake over to Kaweah Gap and into Nine Lakes Basin
Day 6: Exploring the barely trammelled Nine Lakes (duh!)
Day 7: Nine Lakes to Little 5 Lakes and exploring Little 5

Day 8: Little 5 to Big 5, and exploring the Big 5 basin

Day 9: Down to Lost Creek trail up to Columnbine Lake (finally, a big climb day!)

Day 10: Up and over Sawtooth Pass, maybe as far as Little Bearpaw Meadow
DAy 11: Little Bearpaw? to ?

From this point I will likely be willing to go straight back to the car, or spend another night in a place enroute (Pear Lake? Alta meadow?). You should see pictures! I would also like to find a hiking partner to share the loveliness, not to mention hauling of group gear, but I'll go solo again if I have to.

Ay, it is nearly 7:30. Time to put on shoes, feed moggies and head over to clinic. More on this as I make up my mind. Last night I was so hyper with maps and guidebooks and internet trip journals all over my lap I could hardly sleep. Yes, I live for seemingly small things, and I don't mind that a bit.

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