Friday, June 29, 2007

Verfied wealthy men and sexy women from Los Angeles, California!

jaydon2 29

gramerc 26
Los Angeles

jcasino 31
California ONLINE!

See THOUSANDS more profiles from in California

I couldn't quite get a traditional screen shot, but you get the idea. I love hands on the shoulders of Topless Guy in the middle--creeptastic! Are you also wondering how they verify that the women are "sexy"? Hmmm. Not really.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Exxon Gets P3WND! No Wait...

The latest from my personal heroes, The Yes Men. If you don't know who they are, they are a couple of guys who go to elaborate lengths to impersonate representatives of corporations and other entities like the WTO who are involved in shady dealings yet try to pass themselves off as upstanding. They publish fake websites, send out fake press releases, give outrageous conference presentations of some pretty shocking and outlandish ideas, just to see if anyone will call them on it since their ideas are so awful it should be obvious. The sad part is...sadly no. Which makes for some great entertainment in between banging one's head against the wall because it's all too real.

I couldn't find much on this posted at their site, so here are some excerpts from the latest email. Although I did find hints that they are working on a new movie? The site is so haphazardly up-to-out-of date it's hard to here they are:

June 28, 2007

Yes Men badly need sysadmin, server co-location


One day after the Yes Men made a joke announcement that ExxonMobil plans to turn billions of climate-change victims into a brand-new fuel called Vivoleum, the Yes Men's upstream internet service provider shut down, the Yes Men's spoof website, and cut off the Yes Men's email service, in reaction to a complaint whose
source they will not identify. The provider, Broadview Networks, also made the Yes Men remove all mention of Exxon from before they'd restore the Yes Men's email service.

The Yes Men assume the complainant was Exxon. "Since parody is protected under US law, Exxon must think that people seeing the site will think Vivoleum's a real Exxon product, not just a parody," said Yes Man Mike Bonanno. "Exxon's policies do already contribute to 150,000 climate-change related deaths each year," added Yes Man Andy
Bichlbaum. "So maybe it really is credible. What a resource!"

After receiving the complaint June 15, Broadview added a "filter" that disabled the IP address (, and furthermore prevented email from being sent from the Yes Men's primary IP address ( Even after all Exxon logos were removed from both sites and a disclaimer was placed on
on Tuesday, Broadview would still not remove the filter. (The disclaimer read: "Although Vivoleum is not a real ExxonMobil program, it might as well be.")

Broadview did restore both IPs on Wednesday, after the website was completely disabled and all mention of Exxon was removed from

If you haven't seen their movie, put it at the front of your Netflix queue, or just go rent it directly. You won't know whether to laugh or cry. If you can help them out with their co-server or sysadmin problems (they are based in New York) drop them a line at the email address above.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Holy Shit

You Are 100% Feminist

You are a total feminist. This doesn't mean you're a man hater (in fact, you may be a man).

You just think that men and women should be treated equally. It's a simple idea but somehow complicated for the world to put into action.

The hell you say. And I love the Foxy Boxing pic most of all! I loved it so much I went back and retook it with opposite answers just to see what that picture looked like:

You Are 0% Feminist

You are definitely not a feminist. In fact, you are every feminist's worst nightmare.

You believe that women belong in the kitchen.... barefoot and pregnant.

Ah, the stepford wife! Oh, how I lurves the memes!!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Mercury Slams into Retrograde at Ramming Speed, Kitty Ate Mah Internetz Edition

No really, she did! Yeah, she's just trying to destroy the camera strap to the left, but she chewed through my data cable on Saturday.

So the last 2 weeks have been absolutely nutty and batshit crazy. Bat. Shit. Crazy.

Two months ago Zooey also chewed through my second cell phone charger in spite of me placing it in a far corner of the kitchen counter where she is not allowed. I should have known this would be a harbinger of things to come. Losing a teammate, gaining a teammate (OK, so that one worked out). Midterms were the biggest singing-W whatever whatever ever--in all my years (and I do mean years gentle readers) of taking midterms, or finals for that matter. How I got through them and managed to get passable results I will never know, nor will I look that cliched gift horse in the mouth. All I know is it feels like things have been falling apart right and left, I can't figure out which end is up in any direction (and not for lack of trying) and I'm sure I've been putting my underwear on backwards at least some of the time.

Work has been dematerializing, patients and clients have been no-showing, and the ones who do leave...less than I need to keep the aforementioned fierce creatures in the cushy dry-food-and-clumping-litter lifestyle to which they have become accustomed. I drop everything, (literally, lots of clean-ups on aisle 3 recently) and my wiry monkey brain will NOT be coralled for love, or money, or brain bananas, or whatever it's looking for these days. And on Saturday as stated above, Zooey finally succeeded in chewing up my 2nd data cable, disabling both internet and VoIP home phone for a few days (what am I going to do with you Miz Zu? I'd sell you to the circus but you're just so damn cute...lucky for you...)

And past people have been popping up like mad, and not just my past people but friends' past people too. I see people I haven't seen in 4 years during the seriously irregular intervals I go run trails. I see riding and bikeshop buddies I haven't seen or heard from in literally almost 15 years at a tiny, somewhat lightly attended bike race at which I work this last weekend. I reconnect with people I haven't heard from since high school who found my flickr or myspace pages. I run into parents of ex-boyfriends when I go to grab a coffee or quick bite with a friend.

Moreover, there just seem to be these subversive undercurrents and counterflows of energy, like there is all sorts of movement and tension and change just building up to critical mass, but below the surface where it can as yet only be sensed and not seen, sort of like the 1950's I guess. It's giving me a seriously prolonged case of the shpielkis. I hope I can last until August when I can finally run some of it out of me.

Is it just me? I need to ask my friend Karen; she's always hip to these things. She really quite blows me away, actually.

On the plus side, I got literally a year's supply (it just about fills up a pillowcase) of Clif Bar samples from the Clif Bar Guy at the race last weekend, and one of my favorite flavors to boot. Thanks, Clif Bar Guy!! Your generosity will be remembered during the coming months of hungry, busy clinic shifts wherein I can't even make a run to the student lounge microwave to heat up some leftovers!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Inspiration For A Monday

I saw both of these today over at Shakesville and just had to put them up here. Both Melissa and Kate do them more justice than I could in their respective posts, so I submit them without comment, except to say read the whole posts, and then read the whole blog, 'cuz it effin rocks!

The first is on a Brazilian yogurt ad series that is...well, just go look and I'm sure you'll agree with most of the comments.

The second is a commentary on a Women's Studies student's assignment to "commit an Outrageous Act". I was having trouble with the first link so you can link directly to the original post at Fashionista here.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Working Corollary

The level of someone's income is inversely proportional to the amount you can expect them to tip you for busting your ass for them.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Robot Chicken - Electric Mayhem: Behind the Music

Hat tip to Miles for this!

Addendum to 6/14 Night Hike

You remember that section of animal spine (deer, probably) that I found back a couple of months ago while running Sully ridge? And how I stopped, picked it up, inspected it, geeked out on its structural fascinating-ness, etc. And how I thought about taking it with me, but I decided to leave it lay 'cuz I didn't want to a)carry it in my hand all the 5 miles back to the car; and b)I'm not generally a fan of removing things from open spaces in the first place.

Well, what should catch my eye on Jen's balcony last night as I sat enjoying my Duchess? Yep. An hour or two after I set it down and continued on my way, Jen saw it, thought the same as me, only bagged it and put it in her camelback, bleached it and set it out.

I'm not the only one!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Night Hike!

This one was kind of spontaneous. I was so antsy-pantsy after finishing the Western Clinical exam tonight I just couldn't bear the thought of going home and facing all the dishes I haven't washed and floor-sweeping I haven't done because of... exams, yeah, exams...

So I called up Jen, who was also feeling antsy-pantsy, and when I suggested a night hike she thought that was a fine idea. I picked her up and we decided to hit Kenter, since neither of us had been up there in ages. Crossing Sunset I remembered that they shut that gate at 8, and we decided to take the little backyard trail that leads to the now-locked up OJ's Escape road. The neighborhood was crammed with cars--I mean crammed. As we inched our way gingerly toward the top looking for parking, we passed what looked like an unassuming house (for that ridiculously super-sized neighborhood, anyway) with a catering truck parked in the driveway, and figured...oh! There was loud Persian music blaring and what sounded like lots of rather drunk people having a very good time, or wev.

We got out and walked on up to the trail, discovered that the upper part of the trail had been graded flat and someone was building a huge backyard, encroaching ever further on our open space. It's really discouraging sometimes. The ridge was fabulous at sunset, though, and rather than climb up toward the water tower we opted for the closer little spur that overlooks all the houses, sat for a bit, then made our way down. The gate was still open, so we opted to take the road down. As we descended sharply and Kenter swung around to its intersection with Honeywood where we parked, the hillside dropped away, and we had a full, unobstructed view of the party house. I mean party compound. It was literally large enough to house an entire village. It was amazing. And it was all for someone's birthday. Seriously, the birthday medley lasted from this moment until about 5 minutes later when we finally reached the car. I guess it's all a matter of scale. We shook our heads.

Then back to Jen's for Duchess and cheese. And catplay. Which wore us both out. Finally time for bed!

In Which I'm Reminded that Exam Week Sucks Ass

Bitch. Moan. Whine. Kvetch. Whinge.

Baaaaaaaaaa. Sniff.

Like my good friend Karen says, sometimes I just have to get what is in my head out.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Tentative Itinerary for August Walkabout

It's becoming a summer tradition! But how can it not, when the High Sierra is so easily one of the most exquisite places on earth and I only have one shot all year to really see them? Since Jamie and I can't coordinate schedules and have to table JMT until next summer (a fitting graduation present to my self, yes?). On the advice of a few people I met on the trail last summer, and on my own desire to spend more time exploring spots from last year that I had to pass thru all too quickly, here goes. Starting from Lodgepole in Sequoia, 10-11 days, more or less.

Day 1: Lodgepole TH to Ranger Lake
Day 2: Ranger Lake up to Roaring River
Day 3: Roaring River down to Upper Ranger Meadow

Day 4: Upper Ranger Meadow over Elizabeth Pass to Tamarack Lake
Day 5: Tamarack Lake over to Kaweah Gap and into Nine Lakes Basin
Day 6: Exploring the barely trammelled Nine Lakes (duh!)
Day 7: Nine Lakes to Little 5 Lakes and exploring Little 5

Day 8: Little 5 to Big 5, and exploring the Big 5 basin

Day 9: Down to Lost Creek trail up to Columnbine Lake (finally, a big climb day!)

Day 10: Up and over Sawtooth Pass, maybe as far as Little Bearpaw Meadow
DAy 11: Little Bearpaw? to ?

From this point I will likely be willing to go straight back to the car, or spend another night in a place enroute (Pear Lake? Alta meadow?). You should see pictures! I would also like to find a hiking partner to share the loveliness, not to mention hauling of group gear, but I'll go solo again if I have to.

Ay, it is nearly 7:30. Time to put on shoes, feed moggies and head over to clinic. More on this as I make up my mind. Last night I was so hyper with maps and guidebooks and internet trip journals all over my lap I could hardly sleep. Yes, I live for seemingly small things, and I don't mind that a bit.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Finally Some True Grime!

Man, did it ever feel great to get out there and finally get dirty!

I refer, of course, to the Camp Pendleton Mud Run that I ran with some fellow Yo San folks--buckets of fun had by all!

Per true adventure-type race form, the drama began hours before the race even started, when our teammate Miles called out sick the day before the race. Teammate and fellow instigator Ali called me immediately to tell me and we hit the phones trying to find a replacement. At one point we even figured the four of us left standing, so to speak, could just do the race and finish unranked. The internet came to our rescue, however, at about 6PM that evening. It was fellow Scarab and all-around super-cool trooper Leslie (she's an adventure racer, so natch!) calling to see if the spot had been snapped up yet (boy had it ever not been). Plus, it turns out she's a pre-vet student, so she fit in with us even more. I emailed her all the info and we made arrangements to meet up at the race site the next morning.

I wasn't nervous, but I couldn't sleep anyway--slept about 4 hours before my faithful furry alarm clock Zooey began rooting around behind the window shade and knocking books over, which was lucky because I forgot to turn on my alarm. Brady picked me up at 5AM sharp, and it turned out he had only slept about 2 hours, and he finished the AIDS ride yesterday to boot. Ali and Teo followed us down, and after calls we finally found each other at the race site, Leslie included.

We set off for the reg area with Guns 'n' Roses blaring (so 8th grade summer swim meet for me!) and got numbers, t-shirts and the like, then set about greasing up feet and taping on shoes. Teo apparently missed his calling, because he can make a mean wrap! I wasn't sure I was going to be able to finish the race until about mile 3 when my tape finally loosened. And people walking by saw our tape and started queueing up to borrow some--enterprise idea for next year, maybe. And then it was off to gear check and over to the start/finish, where we saw fellow Yo San classmate Traver with his team from his gym, and this guy wearing the most awesome costume evah--a hot pink pleated cheerleader-style skirt with a sparkly chartreuse blouse. I wished with all my heart (not the only time today) that I had thought to buy a disposable waterproof camera to bring with. Maybe next year we can all dress up in extravagant finery too--sort of like Bay to Breakers only with mud, and no naked people (more's the pity, I say...but I digress.) They sent off the individuals, 15 minutes after that they sent us off too. Like a lot of mass-start gi-normous field events, it was a bit of a bottleneck as we calmly walked out of the starting chute trying not to give the racers in front of us flat tires (those without tape, that is...).

Finally by the firehoses after the first half mile or so we picked up into a trot. Compared to 6 years ago when I did it, there was a lot less mud, I have to say, and no crawling through sand after wading through a water ditch so you looked like one of those peanut-butter bird feeders with seeds caked to the outside. Oh well. In fact, the first 4 miles were pretty dry--a couple of ditches, that's it. We pretty much ruked the course--power-hiked the uphills, loose sand, etc. and shuffled the flats and downhills, and made a concerted effort to stay together, which made it more fun. Brady taught Ali how to squeeze and pinch the water cups so she could be racer cool and drink and run without spilling all over her front. Once we got down from the big sustained climb, there was another knee-deep water ditch, followed by the first of two stinking (and I do mean malodorous--pew!) knee-deep mud pits with walls to scale. Then we ran down to a large chest/shoulder-high lake that we had to run (I found sidestroke swimming was much more efficient, but wev) through about 100 meters to the other side.

After the nice bath, it was back around to the last mile, featuring the 2nd stinky mud pit, the crawl through pipes, the run through tires, the steep greasy slip-n-slide hill, and the final alligator crawl through more stinky mud to the finishing chute.
We got a brief rinse before Leslie surprised us by punching it and sprinting to the finish line, making us work for it and look good doing it (thanks Leslie! you have the spirit of a true adventure racer, and I look forward to hearing future race reports from you!)

And then it was over. And many people just threw their stanky shoes and socks into giant trashbins.

And then trying to get changed and find each other again in the morass of 4000 people was a total clusterfuck. But we did manage to find Traver again, who brought us over to his friend Andy who is actually a good friend of Teo's and brother-in-law of a friend of Ali's, and of course a good friend of my A-racing idol Kathryn who puts on the funnest races in the world. Small world much?

We said goodbye to Leslie who had to head back to San Diego, and the 4 of us made our way to the end of Mission in Oceanside where I have never forgotten the thoroughly kick-ass Johnny Mañana's that I first enjoyed 4 years ago when Mo and I tried to camp at San Onofre and surf Old Man's. Seriously the best fish tacos since that random little stand in San Quentin on the way down to Sierra de San Francisco for that WEA trip so long ago. It made me super fun happy smile too much. A perfect end to a very fun day.

Oh, and we finished 134th in our division of 151, and 274th? overall I think. Not bad at all for a last minute composite team who has never run together until race day! Photos can be seen (as I get them, I'm relying on others for some of them) at my Flickr page, link at the menu on the right. Run on Piglets!!