Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Yet Another Milestone

I did it. I passed that stinkin' test. Not quite as ably as I had hoped, but decently nonetheless. Boy do I need to review techniques and everything else I fared pretty well. So, it's on to the two Big Boards--nationals and state, in August.

I paid my $1 outstanding library fee and they ordered my pretty diploma suitable for framing on the spot. Tomorrow I sit in my last 3 hours of Yo San classes ever. It's really, really weird after going someplace day in and day out for 4 straight years to not be there any more. It's weirder when I do go back to have an appointment or something, and the lounge and classrooms are full of people but none of it is mine any more. Time is marching on, my time here is winding down.

No real grime this week, except for riding downtown tomorrow to volunteer at LACBC again. Last week Jen dragged me out to the Tuesday Night Special ride out in the 818, which was actually really fun. She and I were the 2nd and 3rd oldest riders, and there were only 4 of us over the age of 30. Highlights included tooling around the empty Valley boulevards at 11PM, holding a hobo picnic of chocolate cake, ice cream nuggets and spiced rum in the parking lot of the Sherman Oaks Ralph's, and urban sledding on road construction sandwich boards down the spillways of the Sepulveda Dam. We agreed we felt 17 again.

Hopefully there's another monster adventure in the Angeles brewing for the weekend. Now Zooey is reminding me it's time for sleep, something I have not been able to get much of until the last 48 hours in which I've done little else. Is kitty snoring not the cutest snoring there is?

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