Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Another Milestone (Almost)

Jeez it's been a long time. What can I say but it's been busy, what with graduation, finishing up in clinic, desperately cramming for the grad exam on Friday. Very, very little time for grime of any kind, let alone the true stuff. But all that should be changing very, very soon--starting with climbing Baden-Powell on Saturday! In the meantime, I didn't get to post these during National Poetry Month, each too good not to share. But as with Black, Women's, Hispanic, etc. History Months, you shouldn't need a designated month to shine that light only to hide it under the proverbial bushel the other 11 months of the year. So here they are, two of my very favorite poems ever, by Adrienne Rich and e.e. cummings, respectively.

love is more thicker than forget

love is more thicker than forget
more thinner than recall
more seldom than a wave is wet
more frequent than to fail

it is most mad and moonly
and less it shall unbe
than all the sea which only
is deeper than the sea

love is less always than to win
less never than alive
less bigger than the least begin
less littler than forgive

it is most sane and sunly
and more it cannot die
than all the sky which only
is higher than the sky

Final Notions

It will not be simple, it will not take long
It will take little time, it will take all your thought
It will take all your heart, it will take all your breath
It will be short, it will not be simple

It will touch through your ribs, it will take all your heart
It will not take long, it will occupy all your thought
As a city is occupied, as a bed is occupied
It will take your flesh, it will not be simple

You are coming into us who cannot withstand you
You are coming into us who never wanted to withstand you
You are taking parts of us into places never planned
You are going far away with pieces of our lives

It will be short, it will take all your breath
It will not be simple, it will become your will

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