Monday, July 23, 2007

Magnificence For a Monday

and boy could I use some after the morning I've had, between the Admin's torpedo job of my whole economic plan for next year by scheduling one of my required classes for Monday mornings when I had planned to be teaching (yeah, I know it's nothing personal, but still--since teachers are by and large hired in the fall and not in, say, January) and having a particularly emotionally difficult case this morning. They say as providers who genuinely care about their patients it can be hard to find the most effective place between giving compassion and maintaining professional distance, not to mention how you deal with your own feelings of fear and helplessness when you get someone whose prognosis is poor. More on that later, maybe--I need to process it a bit more.

But a friend sent me this this morning, because she knows how much I love the incomparable Celia Cruz. I say it couldn't have come at a better time, so please enjoy it with me!

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