Monday, July 16, 2007

I Dream of a World...

in which I can go out minding my own business and not be accosted by kerb-crawling mouth-breathing fuckwits who think their attention is flattering rather than terrifying.


pedro said...

ted kaczynski knows of a cabin the woods where everytime you go out... no one notices or cares.

and I know of places in this world just like that, backwood places. but sadly no, your dream of an urban world will never come true. those are the dreams to let go. oh and somehow, girls tell me, walking out with a large man or angry attack dog helps deter fuckwits. maybe try that more? just trying to help here...;) - but no, not the point, I do understand.

adventuregrrl said...

Yes, precisely not the point--because if anything had happened I would have been the first one blamed for having the temerity to assume I should be able to go out in public and feel safe without a menacing entourage. Bleh.

pedro said...

well I won't blame ya, doll face. sounds like a good story to tell behind your angst.