Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Summer Freedom Edition

You guys! Finals are finally over. W00t!! I still can't believe that I just took a full year of o-chem, and not only that it was fantastic and I'm in love with it and I CAN'T WAIT for biochem. Also, calculus--so fun! I learned this week that I am only 2 classes plus linear algebra short of a math minor, so there's that. I am, however, a little burned out, so a break from nerd studies is good.

No time for cooking this week, subsisting on salads and toast and oatmeal. And coffee. Lots and lots and lots of coffee! So I'll start the CSA stuff for realz this week, and maybe I'll even have pictures. The weather continues to be cold and mostly kind of crappy, considering it's the middle of June even for out here. We're hopeful but not super optimistic for the garden, although it looks good so far...

I am also finally getting off my ass and learning how to brew. Sunday will be my first foray. We are using James' recipe for a Mutant Blonde--hefeweizen malt, ale yeast and Cascade hops. There will definitely be a post about that. Also, my fantastic calculus prof is also an avid brewer, and started the local club here in B'ham. There are meetings and tastings all the time, so I'm excited to cram as many in as I can before I head east in September. I hear Yakima and Leavenworth both have clubs, so we'll see what happens. The best part of all is that my new bio dept offers a certificate program in craft brewing--my genetics prof is teaching one of the classes. I'm at least 7 different kind of excited about that, as this is something I've wanted to learn how to do for about 20 years now.

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