Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Year of No Middle Ground

It's either way, way up, or way, way down, or just way, way milestone/watershed/sea change either way. No wonder I'm ready to head for the hills for a while.

No sooner did I pass that stinkin' herbology exam and thus complete my nationals OM cert than my aunt and brother called on Sunday to tell me that our grandfather had died in his sleep earlier that day. Like with my grandmother's death (not his wife, my other grandmother is still doing remarkably scrappy and well) earlier this year, it wasn't really a surprise and it was a fair amount of relief, as neither of them had been feeling particularly well, but it's sad in the end when it finally comes. All four of my grandparents mean a great deal to me, and I felt lucky to have them and grow up near them so I could be with them often. I would not be the person I am today without them, that I know. I'd like to write a longer post but I'm having trouble collecting my thoughts. Now that I can finally sit down, so to speak, I feel like I never want to move again.

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