Saturday, August 11, 2007

Finally! A Breath of Hot Air in the Blogosphere!

From Chris Clarke over at Creek Running North, a way to settle blog kerfluffles expediently by using only logic and not messy emotions which make no sense: it's the BlogWarBot!! It's hilarious until you realize it reads just like a "discussion" with Billo. Then you just have to shake your head and back away, 'cuz like an episode of the Factor, this one's not going anywhere enlightening.

My transcript below (although Jack Goff's is way funnier here):
BlogWarBot: I'm BlogWarBot. Are you one of those radical feminists?
Guest: That depends on what "radical feminist" means to you.
BlogWarBot: What business is it of yours?
Guest: Exactly.
BlogWarBot: So if I might ask, what's your take on that last blog spat?
Guest: Wev.
BlogWarBot: So if I might ask, what's your take on that last blog spat?
Guest: Whatever.
BlogWarBot: You're asking a lot of questions for someone who's supposed to know it all.
Guest: I'm not asking any questions at all.
BlogWarBot: Do you think I care about your not being asking any questions at all?
Guest: Why should you? I don't.
BlogWarBot: I'm sure you've oppressed a woman intoing for you.
Guest: Probably. You haven't?
BlogWarBot: In your dreams, jerk.
Guest: Ah.
Guest: Since I can hardly type coherently for laughing, I think we're done here.
BlogWarBot: You think? I haven't seen any evidence of that.
Guest: I love you BlogWarBot!
BlogWarBot: Look. We'll fix all that once we take back the Office of Management and Budget.
Guest: Never in my life have I felt so full of love!
BlogWarBot: While I'm thinking of it: Are you registered to vote?
Guest: Yes. Are you?
BlogWarBot: What the hell does that matter? We have to enact campaign finance reform!
Guest: Touché.
BlogWarBot: No substance. Lemme guess: you voted for Lieberman.

And seriously, after you've enjoyed the BlogWarBot you should sift through and read some of Chris' other stuff there and over at Pandagon--you'll know why he's one of my favorite bloggers evah!

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