These were shot by 7-How-7, one of my Flickr contacts up in SLO town. It looked like a pretty cool event, especially being one of the Bike Happening crew in costume. I wish so hard I could have gone up to join them--I guess there is always next year. Meanwhile, scroll down on their site and see all of what's happening, check out more Bike Happening pics here, and someone get back to me on what exactly Bike Sumo is...
And at least there is still time to convince Jen to get LACBC a spot in the Pasadena Doo Dah Parade...
in a circle, you on your bike, me on mine. no dabbing allowed, first one to do so, or who leaves the cirlce is out (a la sumo). contacting and pushing the other is encouraged, but you must keep your hands on your bars at all times. stalls, track stands, leaning... it all goes.
it was actually a stupid xmas parade, it's just that the best "float" was the bike happening...
Ah. It sounds like the Death Bike games of yore we used to sneak onto the IM fields at night to play.
Was it a stupid xmas parade as xmas parades go, or stupid by virtue of being a parade about xmas? (or both, I suppose)
and stupid as parades go. parades are so dumb. if you want to show me art, show me are, not fossil fueled mass waste of cut down forests arranged in silly shapes and colors.
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