Saturday, May 26, 2007

You Know You're in Deep When...

You dream about formulas, and not even those on the state board. A snippet I remember from last night, in which I was hurrying down a flight of steps on which people were sitting waiting for a bus, and evidently I was muttering something or other, because an older woman I did not know reached out and stopped me with a question.

woman: (very excited in a nice not creepy way) Are you going to use Jade Woman Decoction for it?

me: no, I--wait, that's a much better idea!

the end

I remember I was on my way to go and borrow pliers from someone, and Jade Woman or any other decoction had nothing to do with what was on my mind in the dream. I have no idea what my unconscious mind was trying to tell me, but maybe next week I'll have a patient for whom Jade Woman is the perfect formula!

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